ERC head discusses development of young scientists in Slovenia

Published on 7 june 2016

ERC head discusses development of young scientists in Slovenia

President of the European Research Council Jean-Pierre Bourguignon attended on Monday a ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the National Chemistry Institute together with Slovenian PM Miro Cerar.

The high-profile guest discussed the role of the ERC in developing the careers of young scientists in Slovenia.

Bourguignon said that the ERC could not address all projects or replace state funding, adding that development of young scientists was first and foremost the responsibility of the state.

The guest assessed as positive the great interest of the Slovenian government in the visit, which according to him shows that science in Slovenia enjoys strong support.

Bourguignon was also accompanies by Education, Science and Sport Minister Maja Makovec Brenčič, who announced on the occasion that the government would continue to strive to increase funding of science and higher education.

President of the Slovenian Economic and Research Association in Brussels Draško Veselinovič added that Slovenia was relatively successful in drawing funds from the Horizon 2020 framework programme for research, technological development and innovation.

On the other hand, Slovenia is not as successful in getting ERC funds, as only three projects in total amount of EUR 4m have been approved out of almost 300 applications, he warned.

Cerar believes that Slovenia has many opportunities to join ERC programmes, where the Chemistry Institute could help as one of the most important pillars of research and development in chemistry and related sciences at the national and international levels.

Source: SloveniaTimes